Monday 27 February 2012

Our Day Will Come.

Prejudices come in all shapes and sizes and in Romain Gavias debut feature film Our Day Will Come (2010) it's colour, not skin colour but hair colour in this case red hair!!!!   Remy (Oliver Barthelemy) is the red head in question; he lives in an uninspired small insignificant French industrial town and subject to bullying, even by his own mother and sister. Following a particularly bad spate he retaliates and attacks his mother, which results in him having to leave home. He teams up with a renegade psychoanalyst (Vincent Cassel) who also has red hair, well for most of the film! The pair has a plan; they must travel to Ireland, which Remy speculates is a safe haven for redheads. This film has been described as a metaphor for the minority and social abuses perpetrated by mainstream French society. Enjoyable up to a point but looses its way towards the end.  

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