Snow White with the Huntsman. |
Based loosely on the German fairy tale Snow White, collected
by the Brothers Grimm in 1812, British director Rupert Stevens debut film version
of the famous story Snow White and the Huntsman (2012) differs slightly from the
one we all read as a child.
Snow White in her Joan of Arc guise.
The young Snow Whites mother dies. Her father, the King
Magnus, falls for the beautiful Ravenna and consequently marries her but the
poor man gets more than he bargained for when she murders him while
consummating their marriage. Now Queen of all the kingdom she imprisons Snow
White in the traditional high tower, scares away all the decent folk that lived
in the castle including the Duke Hammond and his son, Snows playmate Prince
William. Ravenna’s equally wicked brother Finn, with whom she asserts a reign
of terror, soon joins her. The only person that can neutralise the evil Queen’s
power is imprisoned in the tall tower.
The beautifully wicked Ravenna. |
The story develops to include a very unnerving Dark Forest;
two love interests, a cracking grand finale when Snow White dressed in armour
(we are reminded of Joan of Arc) leads her army along the Marloes Sands beach
against Ravenna and her brother who are shacked up in the brilliant computer
generated castle on Gateholm Island. And dare we forget the eight, yes eight,
Dwarves who are played by a whole horde of very well known British actors, who have
had their faces digitally transmuted onto small bodies, which apparently upset
the Little People of America organisation, but they manage to add a sense of amusement
to the proceedings.
The castle on Gateholm Island. |
Although it was backed by American finance the movie was
mostly photographed in the United Kingdom and boasts some great special effects. It also has some very interesting casting
including Kristen Stewart as our heroine Snow White which meant that even my
local cinema, that’s better known for art house productions than blockbusters
and rom-coms, did entice an audience of young pubescent girls obviously
attracted to the actress in her Bella Swan guise than perhaps her portrayal of
Joan Jett in The Runaways (2010). The cast also included Sam Claflin,
who was last seen on the big screen in the latest Pirates film On Stranger Tides (2011) as Prince
William, Charlize Theron as Queen Ravenna and Chris ‘Thor’ Hemsworth as the
Huntsman of the title. I thoroughly enjoyed this very watchable, well-made
movie it certainly kept me entertained for its fast-moving 127 minute running
time and I for one will be looking forward to its planned sequel.
Six of the eight dwarves. |
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