
Tuesday 29 January 2019

Roma (2018)

A stand out movie on so many levels, primarily because it’s the first time that a movie distributed by a streaming service, in this case Netflix, has been nominated for the Best Picture at the Academy Awards. With its nine other nominations it’s only the second non-English language film to have ever receive so many.  

Written and directed by Alfonso Cuaron this is said to be a very personnel movie based on his childhood. This Mexican film is based on a middle class family living in Mexico City in the 1970’s. The narrative is told mainly through the eyes of one of their domestic maids Cleo (Yalitza Aparicio). This engrossing story will have you hooked from the beginning and keep you engaged right through to the closing credits, which in all honesty come round far to quickly. It’s certainly a film that puts your faith back in the movie industry.

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