
Wednesday 30 January 2019

Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get far on Foot. (2018)

John Callahan was best known for two things, a cartoonist that specialised in macabre subjects including disabilities and the fact that he himself was a quadriplegic resulting from a very serious car accident at the age of 21 following a heavy bout of drinking.

Gus Van Sant based his screenplay on the book of the same name written by Callahan. The biopic stars Joaquin Phoenix, an actor I’m not always keen on but in this role he is ideally cast. This dark comedy is not always an easy watch mainly because of Phoenix portrayal of this far from perfect character and his struggle with both his deformity coupled with his fight with alcohol but certainly a man you can’t help admire at times. There’s a grand supporting cast, which includes Jonah Hill, Rooney Mara, and a great cameo from Jack Black.  You can catch this movie on Amazon Prime.     

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