
Monday 4 February 2019

Mary Queen of Scots (2018)


After watching this splendid modern version of Mary Stewart's brave fight for her rightful claim for the English throne you realise the similarity between big Theresa May and Elizabeth 1st, conniving, nasty and self opinionated except that Elizabeth does not quite seem as bad even if she did have Mary’s head removed. You’re also notice that the English attitude towards Scotland and its people has not changed very much in the interim period.

Based on the John Guy award winning historical biography My Heart is My Own: the Life of Mary Queen of Scots and directed by Josie Rourke on her feature film debut, (Rourke background is in theatre direction) This version is a lot more detailed than the 1971 film of the same name but it has its critics and historical faux pas. As we all are aware the Queen of the Scots never actually met the Queen of England and although Saoirse Ronan’s Scottish accent is absolutely pitch perfect, Mary was said to have a French accent but neither detracted from my enjoyment of the movie, a little poetic licence is always allowed in historical movies.

Alongside some cracking Glencoe scenery is some notable acting. Not just Saoirse Ronan as Mary and Margot Robbie as Elizabeth but also David Tennant who played the evil Protestant cleric John Knox and Martin Compston as Marys protector and eventual third husband. Its a very enjoyable slice of history where the two hour running time speeds to its conclusion, in my opinion, far too quickly.

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