
Tuesday 8 January 2019

22nd July (2018)

Based on a very gruelling true  incident, this Paul Greengrass movie is an attempt to tell the story of the  massacre of innocents in Norway on the 22nd July 2011 by a right wing fanatic. Andres Behring Breivik, played with a unnervingly cool countenance by Andres Danielsen Lie, detonated a van full of explosives outside a government building in Oslo which housed the office of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenborg resulting in eight deaths. Shortly after this attack he travelled to the Island of Utoya posing as a police officer and stating that he had come to the island to protect members of the Workers Youth Camp. For the next hour he hunted down the youngsters on their summer retreat and killed 69, one as young as 14 years old.

Breivik was captured alive on the island, confessed to the killings and gave his reasons for carrying out these attacks ‘was to save Norway and Western Europe from a Muslim takeover and the Labour Party had to pay the price for letting down Norway and the Norwegian people’ a sort of Brexit with explosives and bullets!

A tough watch reinforced by the fact that you know what your watching is not fiction?

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