
Tuesday 1 March 2016


Some movies are destined for VOD or the DVD bargain shelf at your local supermarket and the British/American spy thriller Survivor (2015) directed by James McTeigue, best known for V for Vendetta his directorial debut in 2006, is one such movie. The film stars the ex Mrs Luc Besson, Milla Jovovich as Kate Abbott a Diplomatic Security Service Agent working at the American Embassy in Grosvenor Square in London. Her job is to vet visa applications for entry into the USA to stop potential terrorist from entering the country. It turns out she is so good at her job that the worlds best freelance assassin known as The Watchmaker, a man who has had plastic surgery to make him look like Pierce Brosnan, is tasked with killing her at all costs which as you’ll see ends up wiping out nearly all her unsuspecting office colleagues in a bomb blast in a busy London restaurant.  Things get far more complicated in this far-fetched ‘thriller by numbers’ as time goes on. Full of plot holes this glossy drama is a Cert 12 that will give you some idea about the level of its content. Clumsily written by first time screenwriter Phillip Shelby it includes some patriotic nonsense inserted for its American market,  where as the blowing up of a large occupied council block of flats killing hundreds of people barely gets a mention!  

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