
Monday 20 October 2014

Castillos de cartoon (Paper Castles)

Ménage a trois is certainly not a new topic for the cinema, but of late there has been some excellent movies on this subject that are definitely worth seeing. Two that immediately spring to mind are Xavier Dolan’s extremely beautiful relationship drama Heartbeats (2010) and one which gives us a different take on the subject, but none the less intriguing, is Sebastian Lifshilz’s Wide Side (2004) But I’m afraid 2009’s Castillos de cartoon would require more than a name change to 3Some to inject some emotion or excitement. Directed by Salvador Garcia Ruiz, it’s three young art students that form our trois des and what ever your own personnel preferences this should be an an erotic watch - especially with all the naked copulating on show – but its not!
Jaime, Maria and Marcos.
The three students involved are two young men, Jaime (Biel Duran) and Marcos (Nilo Muir) and Maria Jose (Adriana Ugarte) whom both men fall in ‘lust’ with. To this end all three share the use of a flat in which they fornicate and work on their art projects. Marcus, the better looking of the two male students, has an erectile dysfunction that the other two attempt to cure. Obviously the question of a homosexual relationship is raised, but nothing comes of it (excuse the puns!). Maria Jose, although enjoying the attention also has sexual problems, being unable to climax during clitoral stimulation. You will be pleased to know I’m sure that both are healed of these sexual dysfunctions before the end credits!
A humourless movie!

I would certainly give this drama less Spanish movie a wide berth. It’s not only lacking inner feeling but is completely devoid of any form of humour and to put it bluntly is boring!

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