
Tuesday 5 February 2013

Slave Girls (Prehistoric Women)

Following the success of One Million Years BC (1966), which you may remember starred a scanty clad Raquel Welch, Hammer Films began making a number of historical period pieces which became known collectively as ‘Hammer Clamour” thanks to the inclusion of young beautiful starlets and visual lavishness but done with a minimal budget. One of these films Slave Girls (1967), originally released in the USA as Prehistoric Women, formed part of what was unofficially referred to as the “fur bikini” trilogy, along with When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth (1970) and the film which provided all the left over sets and costumes, One Million Years BC (waste not, want not).

Queen Kari (Martine Beswick)

While working as a guide on an African safari a hunter, David (an unconvincing Michael Latimer) ends up a captive of a hostile tribe of warriors who worship the spirit of a white rhinoceros. Somehow or another he ends up back in prehistoric time where bikini clad dark haired women rule, any unfortunate women with blonde hair are used as slaves and entertainment for the cruel raven haired amazon Queen Kari (Martine Beswick). The men are viewed as inferior and are kept locked up! David falls for one of the blonde’s, Saria (Edina Roney) and all hell breaks loose because the queen wants David for her own use (nudge nudge wink wink). Will our intrepid hunter escape from the possessive queen and rescue his blonde bimbo and return to his own time?  

That's no way to treat a man?
Well if you’re found of b-movie’s, scanty clad girls, a bit of animal worship, coupled with weak dialog, a corny storyline and some dodgy acting this is the film for you. Hammer has certainly made better movies! Directed by Michael Carreras who worked exclusively for Hammer Films normally as a producer or executive producer and only on a rare occasion as director. Why did I want to see this particular movie? Well the reason is that one of my favourite British actresses had a small part in it, in fact a very small part indeed, which surprised me considering how high up the cast list she appears. I must make a point of finding out why Carol White appeared in this particular film considering she was reaching the pinnacle of her career. This film was released after Cathy Come Home (1966) and before Poor Cow (1967).

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