
Sunday 20 March 2011

In There Sleep

Writer and directors Caroline and Eric du Potet debut film In There Sleep (2010) is a wee gem that should be seen. This cracking French thriller completely holds your attention for its 86 minute running time. It features Anne Parillaud (Sex is Comedy 2010) as Sarah who following her teenage sons’ horrendous fatal accident is now living on her own and having problems coping with life. One night returning from her late shift at the hospital where she works accidently runs down a young lad who suddenly appears from a road side forest, Arthur tells Sarah that he is being pursued by a mysterious assailant who he claims is chasing him because he witnessed a burglary. Sarah takes pity on the lad who just happens to be the same age as her deceased son and offers him shelter although all is not what it first appears to be. A film that messes with your head but in a most entertaining way.

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