
Sunday 9 January 2011

Robin Hood (2010)

I am reliable informed that nothing in Ridley Scott’s version of the legend of Robin Hood is based on fact, but who cares, his latest film Robin Hood (2010) is an enjoyable romp that brings to mind the Hollywood swashbuckling tradition which Scott has made palatable for the expectations of modern day cinema audiences. British film director Ridley Scott has made some seriously enjoyable movies including The Duellists (1977) Alien (1979) Blade Runner (1982) Gladiator (2000) Black Hawk Down (2001) American Gangster (2007) Body of Lies (2008) and my own personnel favourite Thelma and Louise (1991).

The outlaw and the Lady.
Robin Hood, originally titled Nottingham, is Scott’s fifth collaboration with Russell Crowe who despite the bad press makes a great Robin Longstride who in the film becomes the heroic legend and social outcast who went on to rob the rich and give to the poor, a sort of reverse David Cam-moron! The villian of the piece is the sadistic, ruthless but clever Sir Godfrey, (splendidly played by Mark Strong ) King Johns henchman who conspires with the “evil French” King Philip, to invade the shores of Great Britain. The film reinvents the normally passive Lady Marian Loxley portraying her as a liberated woman, equal to the men in her life and quite capable of taming the wild Robin of the Hood. Cate Blanchett makes a beautiful and courageous Marian who rides bravely into battle with the British cavalry dressed in a suite of armour!!!! Come back Saturday morning at the pictures! I can’t wait for the obvious sequel. Perhaps we will get it next Saturday?

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