
Thursday 27 January 2011

Loose Cannons

Monday night’s RBC Film Club offering is in some ways similar to I Am Love (2009) but with out the films immense style and certainly a lot more camp than the Tilda Swinton produced vehicle. Loose Cannons (2010) is a comedy that emphasize the eccentricity of the Cantone family whose comfortable and privileged lifestyle is financed from the family owned pasta factory. A family dinner party is arranged to celebrate the return of Tommaso (Riccardo Scamarico Romanzo Criminale 2005, My Brother Is an Only Child 2007) a novice writer whose normally to be found in Rome. The young scribe intends to use the occasion to break the news that he is gay, but before he can land his bombshell up steps his older brother Antonio (Alessandra Preziosi), who manages the family business, and beats him to it by announcing his own coming-out which results in their father having a heart attack and leads to the younger brother taking over the running of the firm assisted by the lovely Alba (Nicole Grimaudo). The main story is interwoven with the sad memories of the grandmothers wedding day when she too had to make a choice that would change her life for ever, both these stories reach a grand crescendo to form the final scene in the film.

Tommaso's able assistant!
Turkish born Ferzan Ozpetek, who now lives and works in Italy, places his latest movie in Lecce the capital of the southern Italian area of Puglia, a beautiful place that adds gloss to the on screen proceedings. The subject matter is not meant to be a serious portrayal of homosexuality and the sexual implications are without doubt underplayed. The film is full of oddball characters that are unquestionably stereotypical but this is balanced by the fact that there all so beautifully played by the ensemble cast and with its imposing soundtrack made for an enjoyable evenings entertainment. Although I can’t help wondering what Almodovar would of made of this Italian soap opera?

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