
Tuesday 2 November 2010

Oxfam Pakistan Flood Appeal.

You never know who's in the cinema these day's?

If you went down to the woods (well the Robert Burns Centre) on Halloween you were bound for a big surprise! The local cinema was full of ghouls, vampires and various other members of the fiendish un-dead. These beings were there to see a ‘terrifying private showing of two landmark horror films’ invited by a very Eastern European sounding Frankenstein, his pasty looking bride and their son, who appeared to be loosing large amounts of blood due to the fact he had an axe embedded in his chest. This collective of unnatural beings were they’re to raise funds for Oxfam’s Pakistan Flood Appeal, and they’re cinematic fair for the afternoon was 1922’s Nosferartu: A Symphony of Horror and the teen slasher Scream (1996). Various macabre cakes and sweet delights were available during the break and to stop the gruesome quests from carrying out hideous acts of barbarism during half time a quiz was instigated with a pumpkin going to the winning team, which incidentally included some very dubious characters. After laughing at all the gruesome bits in Scream the ghastly audience disappeared into the night. Spooky!

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