
Friday 15 October 2010

Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

James Whale’s follow up to his 1931 classic, Frankenstein, was well worth its four-year wait. With the enormous settings in the Universal Studios and a faithful adaptation from Mary Shelly’s novel it was even more enjoyable than its predecessor. Highlights have got to be Elsa Lanchester’s portrayal as both authoresses and the Bride and of course Boris Karloff putting a human touch to the monster now that Frankenstein’s creature is allowed to utter a few words. The brilliantly camp humour is provided by Minnie the servant with an over the top performance by Una O’Conner and of course the real villain of the piece, Henry Frankenstein former mentor who persuades him to assist with providing a mate for the monster, Doctor Septimus Pretorious sinisterly portrayed by Ernest Thesigner. Great to see this horror masterpiece back on the telly. Well done BBC 4.

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