
Saturday 11 September 2010

The Red Squirrel

If identity is based on memory, what if that memory’s a lie?

Based on a short story written by Julio Medem, which he described as a magical mystery tour through humour, romance, deception and lies! The Red Squirrel (1991), also directed by Medem, opens on the seafront of San Sebastian with Jota (Nancho Novo), a failed musician whose girlfriend has just left him, plucking up the courage to kill himself when a young women (Emma Suarez) on a motor bike crashes through railings and falls to the beach below. When Jota reaches her he discovers she has amnesia. Taking advantage of the situation he invents an entire identity for her creating a female that would love, honour and obey him.

Emma Suarez
Medem’s movie deliberately sets out to deceive the viewer, erotic, harrowing and disturbing in equal measures. Great score from Alberto Iglesias, Pedro Almodovar’s award winning musical composer.

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