
Sunday 5 September 2010

The Hairdresser’s Husband

Like Jean Rochefort’s character Antoine in The Hairdresser’s Husband (1990) I to fell in love with a hairdresser, but unlike Antoine it was not with the profession but with the person. Although the smell of a barbers back in the day of ‘anything for the weekend sir’ did have a particular allure! Directed and written by Patrice Leconte (responsible for directing L’homme du Train 2002 which also starred Jean Rochefort) the film stars the beautiful Italian actress Anna Galiena as the hairdresser of the title.

When Antoine was a wee boy he was obsessed with the voluptuous beautician who regularly cut his hair. He decides his life’s ambition is to marry a hairdresser. Middle-aged Antoine meets Mathilde (Galiena), a young women with her own hairdressing establishment. Marrying her he can now spend all his waking hours sitting in her shop watching her every movement. The shop, his fantasies, his gorgeous wife and the eastern music he dances to on occasions become his entire world, who can blame him? Obviously this funny and erotic movie is not to be taken to seriously, one to sit back and enjoy and one that gives Rochefort another opportunity to stretch his acting talents.

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