
Sunday 25 April 2010

The Lovely Bones.

Peter Jackson’s 2009 drama The Lovely Bones is a different take on the traditional murder mystery. Based on the best selling novel by Alice Sebold the film centres on Susie Salmon a14 years-old who was brutally murdered in December 1973 on her way home from school. Following her death Susie, who narrates her story from the afterlife, continues to watch over her grieving family while her killer, George Harvey, remains undetected. The film stars Saoirse Ronan, (pronounced Scarfa Roonan) the young star of Joe Wrights award winning Atonement (2007), as the murder victim, Stanley Tucci (The Devil Wears Pravda 2006) plays the paedophile, both of whom give accomplished performances in their respective roles. An unconvincing Mark Wahlberg (The Departed 2006) is Jack Salmon and Rachel Weisz (My Blueberry Nights 2002) is cast as Abigail Salmon, Susie’s father and mother. The movie is a strange mix of fantasy and drama that I found particularly enjoyable although a little to long and there’s a definite change of pace following the murder.

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